Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Training 2: Middle distance exercise.
Our instruction was to have flow in and out of the controls and to look ahead. Both of these things are something I do not do particularly well. Fortunately I had Tom as a shadow during my course (on purpose), which forced me to have a particularly high level of concentration. I felt like a achieved the flow that I wanted and felt really happy about the orienteering. My main weakness was relocation, both times I made a mistake I stood there stunned, instead of staying calm and working through the problem. I didn't push particularly hard physically (especially on the roads where I would normally bring it up a notch), but was constant in my pace and working hard.
Take home message: At the moment you have realized you are making a mistake, keep moving in order to find a feature to relocate off of, usually there is one very near by that leads you quickly back into the control and saves time in comparison to standing stunned for 30 seconds instead of acting.
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