Tuesday, October 31, 2006

From high above

I crashed from high above... just two days after accomplishing my exams in dentistry I managed to sprain my ankle enough so that I need to take one month off from running. I was supposed to fly to the World military champs in Brazil today. Well instead 4 days ago, the day of the accident, I began my winter break. I am supposed to be on crutches for 1 week, than i can slowly start with physical therapy and by the end of the third week I can learn again slowly how to run.
Of course I am disappointed I couldn't finish my season like I had planed. But if my leg is again 100% after the therapy, this accident will not have bothered me too much. That is why I am doing all I can to get the best quality healing


At 11/03/2006 9:03 AM, Blogger Antje + Marc said...

Glück und Pech liegen doch so nah zusammen! Shit happens, göll.

Gönn Dir mal eine Pause nach all dem Stress! Die brauchst Du auch, wenn Du diese Erfolgssaison nächstes Jahr toppen willst...

Wünschen ganz gute Besserung!


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